The Eugenics Review Vol. XXVIII, No. 2 July 1936

Robinson Street Books: Used and Rare
Title The Eugenics Review Vol. XXVIII, No. 2 July 1936
Author Newfield, Maurice, editor; The Eugenics Society
Publisher Macmillan & Co, Ltd; London;
Publisher Year 1936
Condition Very Good
Description First edition. Offprint. Original wrappers. Features articles such as "Eugenic Aspects of the Merseyside Survey" by D. Caradog Jones, "Eugenics in Czechoslovakia" by Dr. B. Sekla, and "The Marriage Schedule and the Press" by C.P. Blacker. Ownership stamp from the Blandy Experimental Farm front cover, ownership signature from O.E. White front cover, few nicks head of spine else very good. Hole in bottom edge. Eugenics. Genetics. *


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