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Richard Hertwig 14offprints dated from 1874-1920
37 offprints. 1916-1934 Edward Murray East 1879-1938 American Plant Geneticist and Botanist.
Wilhelm Roux 5 offprints Uber die Bedeutung "geringer" Verschiedenheiten der relativen Grosse der Furchungszellen fur den Charakter des Furchungsschemas, nebst Erorterung uber die nachsten Ursachen der Anordnung und Gestalt d
2 offprints C. S. Minot On Heredity and Rejuvenation and First Report of the Committee on Experimental Psychology
Edouard Van Beneden (1846-1910) 2 offprints Les anthozoaires pelagiques recueillis par M. le Professeur Hensen dans son expédition du plankton : communication préliminaire (1890) Inscribed presentation copy signed by the author. Chips to ed
9 offprints E. B. Ford one inscribed signed "Henry" most others having Arthur James Cain's monograpm initials
2 rare offprints On the Structure and Homologies of the Germinal Layers of the Embryo 1880, 1. On the Structure and Homologies of the Germinal Layers of the Embryo 2. Larval Forms: Their Nature, Origin and Affinities
The Gastrulation of the Partial Embryos of Sphaerechinus. Some Factors in the Regeneration of Tubularia
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