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Mode of Inheritance (1914) front cover badly chipped and loose, some old tape to spine. "With the writer's compliments" in pen. The two other Belling offprints are: Single and Double Rings at the Reduction Division in Uvularia (1926); The Attachments of Chromosomes at the Reduction Division in Flowering Plants (1927). Letter is folded with bottom left corner cut away. The letter reads: ?I wish to thank you for your papers, especially for the copy of the Chromosome hypothesis applied in Linkage in Lathyrus & Primula. I have met with at least 3 cases of linkage in my own work. I sent a short paper to Punnet, of Cambridge, England, some months ago, pointing out how the results of my work and that of others was dead against the Cambridge hypothesis of somatic segregation, but he did not care to publish it. It seems to me strange that a critical biologist like Bateson should have led his followers in the assumption of such an unsupported and barren hypothesis. Columbia University is leading the world in this line of work. Yours truly, John Belling Botanist? ?Bridges was an American scientist, known for his contributions to the field of genetics. Along with Alfred Sturtevant and H.J. Muller, Bridges was part of the famous fly room of Thomas Hunt Morgan at Columbia University.? Wikipedia ?Belling used plants such as lilies and hyacinths to demonstrate that segments between non-homogenous chromosomes can interchange. He was able to make accurate estimates of chromosome numbers and proposed that chromomeres, the small condensations along the chromosome, were individual genes.? Wikipedia Calvin Bridges is featured character, in the film The Fly Room (2014). |