Thomas H. Montgormery Jr. 3 Rare offprints The Spermatogenesis of an Hemipteron, Euschistus

Robinson Street Books: Used and Rare Books
Title Thomas H. Montgormery Jr. 3 Rare offprints The Spermatogenesis of an Hemipteron, Euschistus
Author Montgomery Jr., Thomas H.
Publisher The Journal of Morphology, 1911 and others
Condition Good
Description First separate edition. Offprint. Original wrappers. two of the offprints have the ownership stamp of Edmund B. Wilson. Included are: The Spermatogenesis of an Hemipteron, Euschistus (1911) back cover missing, front cover big torn away area, not affecting text; On The Dimegalous Sperm and Chromosomal Variation of Euschistus, with Reference to Chromosomal Continuity (William Engelmann, Leipzig, 1910) Franz Schrader ownership signature front cover. Front cover wrinkled; On The Maturation Mitosis and Fertilization of the Egg of Theridium (Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1907) a poor copy. Nibbled at head of spine, not affecting text. Ink splotches on plates affecting part of the plate. Edmund B. Wilson stamp front cover. Back cover detached though present. A rare group of offprints. " Thomas H. Montgomery Jr. was an American zoologist who made important contributions to cell biology?especially in chromosomes and their roles in sex determination?" Wikipedia*


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